- 400g of Sojade NAS Banana and Passion Fruit yoghurt alternative
- 20cl of water
- 4g of agar agar
- 10cl Sojade Cream alternative
- 125g of silky tofu
- 70g of caster sugar
- 2 bananas
- 2 passion fruits
- 16 to 20 speculos biscuits
- Cocoa powder
Preparation steps

To make this banana and passion fruit tiramisu, start by boiling the water with the agar agar for 2 minutes.

Meanwhile, place the NAS Banana and Passion Fruit yoghurt alternative, cream alternative (made with organic French soya), silky tofu and caster sugar in a blender. Blend and then add the jellied water, still blending.

Peel and slice the bananas.

Pour a third of the cream into a gratin dish. Add half the biscuits and top with banana slices and the pulp of a passion fruit.

Cover again with cream, then with the remaining biscuits, the remaining bananas and the pulp from the last passion fruit. Top one last time with the remaining cream.

Chill for at least 2 hours. At the last minute, sprinkle with cocoa powder and serve.